PROTECT and PERFORM with the best PEOPLE

CLIENT Vodafone business
Vodafone Business Security Enhanced look after the data of some really high-profile organisations, so by the very nature of what they do… creating videos to promote it can be a task as giving away the “how” and “why” could compromise the people they protect.
This did not stop a need to promote the great work they do, however, and after a conversation with the VBSE team we were made aware of them sponsoring the UK Forces Rugby Teams, so we got our brains working…
How do we highlight VBSE as a service, bring in the UK Forces Rugby team and make it a showstopper? With no brief as such, we had to get our creative juices flowing.
The team got together and brainstormed. What values do VBSE hold? How do they relate to the UK Forces Rugby teams? Many creative discussions were had…
Of course! Their values! They perform; The UK Forces perform to the highest possible standard to keep the nation from danger, their Rugby team take the same values on the pitch – performance is key! And VBSE performs to keep the data secure for UK enterprise. They protect, UK Forces protect the nation, as they protect their team on the pitch just the same as VBSE protect the data that they secure. None of this could be done without people; the people that make the Armed Forces who they are and the people that work tirelessly at VBSE to keep the highest levels of security.
We set to work on a storyboard, focusing on three members of the Armed Forces, each from a different discipline; Army, Navy and Aviation, and formed a script to be read to camera, interspersed with high-impact footage of the team on the rugby pitch at the largest RAF base in the UK – Brize Norton.
Former England Rugby superstar Jason Robinson - VBSE ambassador was a great fit, so after conversations with the team at Vodafone, we were able to add his participation to tie the whole script together.
The filming took place over two days and worked around training sessions the UK Forces Rugby team had in place for upcoming matches so that we could capture the dialogue, but also film real training to add authenticity.
The end result was fantastic, the mix of serious delivery and high-impact Rugby shots really worked well with the track chosen and the various styles of camera angles and techniques really made the video stand out.
From the success of the main edit, we were also asked to create a shorter 45-second piece that could be played in the stadium at one of the UK Forces games – which was a huge privilege to be able to do for the team.
We also created three small vox-pop edits where each one focused on one of the core messaging points; PERFORM. PROTECT. PEOPLE to help with further promotion.
Off the back of this, these three P’s were, and are still, used to promote the services that VBSE offer within these sectors and the team at ID2 Media are incredibly proud, not only of the video results but also of the partnership with VBSE, working together to create great video material and create a wider promotional message.